Plus qu'un service, une expertise !

Formation en spectrométrie de masse des oligosaccharides les 9 et 10 juillet

Comment interpréter des profils des spectres de masse en mode MS et MS/MS. Formation bilingue (Franco-Anglais)


As part of its mission, the PAGés platform is offering training in the interpretation of
glycomic MS and MSMS data (for up to ten people, 2 times a morning).

⇒  program 
Please register by contacting PAGés (plateforme-pagesuniv-lillefr) by July 5 at the latest.

Objectives : Acquire the theoretical and practical skills necessary to assign the glycan structures
from mass spectrometry-based analysis

Period and number of participants : 2 half days (from 9:30 am to 1 pm), 8 persons maximum

Date : 9-10 juillet

Place : C9 Cité scientifique, room Jean-Montreuil

Public : Bac +5

Prerequisites : Basic knowledges in glycosylation and glycan structural analysis
Understanding how to read MS data and how to decipher the glycan structures by analyzing
MS/MS spectrum through understanding the MS/MS fragmentation pattern and biosynthesis
- General reminder of the principle of mass spectrometry and its data (key components of
different sources, analyzers, isotopic distribution, monoisotopic mass, m/z, and glycan
fragmentation, ...)
Applications to sugars
- Understand the difference of ESI-MS and MALDI-MS data of native oligosaccharides,
methylated derivatives, and chromophore or fluorophore coupling
- Analysis of MS/MS spectrum of permethylated oligosaccharides by knowing the
fragmentation pattern
Data extraction
How to use the web tools or software

Speakers: Dr Shin-Yi Yu (, Dr Nao Yamakawa (nao.yamakawa@univ-
PAGés platform: plateforme-pagesuniv-lillefr